The Help of the Inner Warrior
This morning a former client and friend, commented that the concept of ‘the warrior’ was taking on reality at this point in his life.
I thought I’d share my response. The ‘material for thought’ which follows is not to be confused with the ‘embodied experience’ of this idea. Ideas are just hooks. We need to learn how to live our insights, in the present.
I believe the warrior is a living archetype within each of us.
It seems to me the biggest fact of our life is our death. Therefore every moment of our precious life, not just the difficult ones, is an extraordinary challenge lived in the mirror of our death. So fundamentally we are always in need of a warrior’s spirit. When we make a real contact with it, we experience an extraordinary aliveness and help behind this high idea.
There are varieties and levels of warriorship in us. Eg. Some demonstrate warrior qualities in sport, some in business, art, science, social and the religious sphere. Robert de Ropp in ‘The Master Game’, speaks of the highest warriorship as the journey toward fulfilling the potential of a complete human being rather than one domain. I refer here to that highest form of warrior-ship of serving the very demanding requirements of a healthy life, while actively working toward the growth of our being.
The following questions may help us connect with help from the warrior within. This can take different forms according to our need such as, calm strength, inner guidance, forgiveness, persistence.
First, I need to have some sense of the highest ideal I serve behind the motivations I act out, – what does the ideal the warrior in me serve? (As we grow, more subtle and inclusive forms emerge and the formulation evolves). This ideal may not be felt in words but perhaps felt in nature, love, a profound sexual experience, an insight into one’s life and mortality; sense of purpose; or a quality of energy, in the body, feeling and head beyond concepts, – a finer more intelligent mode of perception.
How can I help release my real self, the feint noble warrior in me, – from the noisy ordinary one, – my clamouring body and ego?
How much do I pay for this possibility? How much do I practice for and against my highest aim. Recall your inner world and behaviour in front of a strong situation?
How much do I struggle and sacrifice beyond what comes automatically?
What self-indulgence deceives me as warriorship but in reality weakens me, such as over or under asserting myself, defending myself in imagination?
What specific form does self-indulgence take in me? How do I most lose energy; When do I spend excessive time feeling angry, young, hurt; that I have been misunderstood or treated unjustly, by others or life?
How to sustain the inevitable suffering when I see the truth of how I am at moments, and persist with heart on our path?
Even selfishly, it is a great help that one of the qualities of the warrior referred to here is that it serves an aim bigger than him or herself. In so doing receives the support of the larger whole we are part of, the universe.
It helps to ask oneself, ‘what is the alternative?’ Or better still to access more of the whole of oneself, perhaps sense the middle part of the body for a few breaths, – maybe it knows better… Right now this part nudges me it’s time to abandon this Inquiry and head out for a run.
With warmth, David
For a fuller exploration of life as a search, in story form based on working with real client experiences, around being effective, wellbeing and purpose you may find ‘the Leader Within’ of interest. Feel free to write or contact me. It really doesn’t need to be business. Real dialogue and burning questions enliven me.