
The Warrior and the challenge of Exercise

This strong archetype touches humanity across time and cultures. As the ego’s vision of the winner or hero it pervades popular culture everywhere. It has been re-invigorated in the west the last 50 years by writers such as Joseph Campbell, The Hero’s journey, The poignant writing of Casteneda describing his tutelage as ‘a man of…

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The Invisible Warrior in Everyday Life

The Help of the Inner Warrior This morning a former client and friend, commented that the concept of ‘the warrior’ was taking on reality at this point in his life. I thought I’d share my response. The ‘material for thought’ which follows is not to be confused with the ‘embodied experience’ of this idea. Ideas…

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Death and the Warrior of Everyday Life

“Once you decide something put all your petty fears away. Your decision should vanquish them. I will tell you time and time again, the most effective way to live is as a warrior. Worry and think before you make any decision, but once you make it, be on your way free from worries or thoughts;…

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Deeply touched into aliveness by Leonard Cohen and our mortality

She was diagnosed with leukemia in late July 2016. Her close friend Jan Christian Mollestad contacted Cohen to tell him Ihlen was dying. Leonard Cohen penned a poignant final letter to her writing: Well Marianne it’s come to this time when we are really so old and our bodies are falling apart and I think…

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An Integral Approach to Realising Effective and Fulfilling Life & Work

Personal Growth. The first challenge is to recognise that one’s personal development is the measure and the key to significant and sustainable breakthroughs in performance and fulfillment in personal, interpersonal and business life. Resistance to Change. When we try to make new efforts or changes we immediately encounter ‘resistance to change’ and ‘competing commitments’ made…

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